Discover a New Path to Overcoming OCD

Experience cutting-edge, personalized treatments for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder at Envision Mind Care.

Welcome to Envision Mind Care's OCD Day Program

Our outpatient care program allows clients to continue their daily routines while receiving the benefits of our comprehensive treatments.

We understand that living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be challenging, and we are here to help. Our specialized outpatient program is designed to provide comprehensive care to individuals struggling with OCD, offering evidence-based treatments to help you achieve the best possible outcomes. At Envision Mind Care, we believe in a holistic approach to mental health therapy, combining various methods to address the root cause of your OCD.

What is OCD Therapy?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by unwanted, recurring thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions).

These obsessions and compulsions can significantly impact daily life and cause distress. OCD Therapy aims to help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.

At Envision Mind Care, we offer a range of treatment options to address the unique needs of our patients, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Medication, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), and Ketamine. Our interdisciplinary team of specialists works together to create a personalized treatment plan that targets the underlying causes of your OCD, helping you achieve lasting relief.

OCD Program Procedure

Step 1: Initial Assessment with Therapist and Consultant Psychiatrist

Upon admission to our program, you will receive a thorough assessment by our experienced therapist or consultant psychiatrist. This assessment will involve a detailed evaluation of your symptoms, medical history, and personal goals for treatment. We take the time to understand your unique needs and tailor a treatment plan that fits you.

Step 2: Clarification on Diagnosis

Once the assessment is complete, we will provide you with a clear understanding of your diagnosis. Our team will explain in simple terms what OCD is, its causes, and how it may manifest in your specific case. We believe that education and understanding are crucial in empowering you to take an active role in your treatment journey.

Step 3: Advice on Management

Based on your assessment and diagnosis, our team will offer comprehensive advice on managing your OCD. This may include a combination of evidence-based treatments, including therapy, medication, and other modalities like Brain Stimulation treatments (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation), tailored to your individual needs.

Evidence-Based Treatments Offered in Our OCD Inpatient Program:

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a widely recognized and evidence-based treatment for OCD. Our skilled therapists will work with you to identify and modify the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours contributing to your OCD symptoms. Through techniques such as Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), you will learn to confront and gradually tolerate anxiety-provoking situations, helping to reduce OCD-related distress and compulsive behaviours.

  2. Medication: Our consultant psychiatrist may prescribe medications as part of your treatment plan. This may include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) commonly used to manage OCD symptoms. Our team will closely monitor your response to medication and adjust the treatment plan as needed to optimize your outcomes.

  3. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): TMS is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique with good evidence of treating OCD. It involves using magnetic fields to stimulate specific brain regions associated with OCD symptoms. Our team may recommend TMS as a treatment option based on your needs and response to other interventions.

  4. Ketamine: Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that has shown potential in treating treatment-resistant OCD. It is thought to work by modulating glutamate, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Our team may consider ketamine as part of your treatment plan if your severe condition requires more intensive management.

Step 4: Program Duration

The duration of your stay in our OCD outpatient program will vary depending on the nature and severity of your illness. Typically, our program ranges from 6 weeks to 12 weeks. Our team will closely monitor your progress and work with you to determine the optimal duration for your individual needs.

Step 5: Follow-Up Care

We believe in providing comprehensive care even after completing your outpatient program. Our team will offer follow-up care for up to 6 months to 1 year, depending on the province/country you come from. This may include regular check-ins, therapy sessions, medication management, and support to help you maintain your progress during your inpatient stay.

A complete environment for your mental health

Envision Mind Care offers clients the convenience of access to many treatments in a single facility.

Our Commitment to Your OCD Recovery

Envision Mind Care provides compassionate care and evidence-based treatments to individuals struggling with OCD. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan, utilizing therapies such as CBT, medication, TMS, and ketamine, backed by evidence-based research.

We understand that seeking treatment for OCD can be challenging, but we are dedicated to supporting you on your journey towards recovery. Our program is designed to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to manage your OCD symptoms and improve your quality of life.

During the outpatient program, our team will work with you to monitor your progress, make adjustments to your treatment plan as needed, and provide compassionate care every step of the way.

We also understand the importance of continued care after you complete the OCD program. Our follow-up care options, typically ranging from 6 months to 1 year, are designed to provide ongoing support and help you maintain your progress during your time with us. We are committed to your long-term well-being and will work with you to develop a plan that best meets your ongoing needs.

At Envision Mind Care, we are dedicated to providing patient-centered care that is evidence-based, compassionate, and tailored to your unique needs. We believe that recovery from OCD is possible and are here to support you on your journey towards better mental health.

Please note that the specific treatments offered in our program may vary depending on your individual assessment, diagnosis, and response to interventions. Our team will work with you to develop a treatment plan best suited to your needs, based on the latest research and clinical expertise.

We hope this information helps you understand our OCD program at Envision Mind Care. If you have any further questions or would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to support you and provide the best possible care for your mental health needs.

Cutting-Edge Brain Stimulation treatment for OCD

Envision Mind Care allows you to get the help of an entire team of professionals in a single state-of-the-art facility.

At Envision Mind Care, our diverse team of skilled professionals is committed to providing exceptional care for our patients with OCD. Our team comprises mental health therapists, psychologists, addiction counsellors, and consultant psychiatrists collaborating to create personalized treatment plans.

Our mental health therapists specialize in OCD treatment, using evidence-based therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). They offer individual, group, and family therapy sessions tailored to each patient's needs. Our psychologists provide comprehensive assessments and psychoeducation, while our addiction counsellors address co-occurring substance use disorders with a holistic approach.

Our consultant psychiatrists play a crucial role in evaluating symptoms, diagnosing OCD, and developing individualized treatment plans, including medication management. Collaboration among our team members is essential for ensuring comprehensive and effective treatment.

We take pride in our dedicated team of mental health professionals, whose expertise and collaboration contribute to the success of our OCD inpatient program, helping patients achieve their recovery goals and improve their overall well-being.

Deep TMS treatment for OCD

As part of our comprehensive OCD day program, we offer Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Deep TMS) as a treatment option for our patients. Deep TMS is a non-invasive, FDA-approved brain stimulation technique that uses magnetic fields to target specific areas of the brain implicated in OCD.

At Envision Mind Care, we utilize the Brainsway Deep TMS system, a cutting-edge technology that effectively treats OCD in clinical trials and real-world settings.

The Brainsway Deep TMS system uses a unique H-coil design that allows for deeper penetration of the magnetic fields into the brain, targeting the prefrontal cortex, which is known to be involved in OCD.

Deep TMS is administered in a comfortable outpatient setting, and the procedure is painless and non-sedating, allowing patients to resume their daily activities immediately after the session. The treatment sessions are typically brief, lasting about 20-30 minutes, and are typically administered five days a week for several weeks, depending on the individual treatment plan.

Deep TMS is a promising treatment option for OCD, particularly for patients who have not responded to traditional treatments or who have difficulty tolerating medications. Research studies have demonstrated that Deep TMS can reduce OCD symptoms, improve quality of life, and lead to sustained improvements after the treatment.

Our team of expert clinicians, including our consultant psychiatrists and mental health therapists, closely monitor the progress of our patients receiving Deep TMS, and adjust the treatment plan as needed to ensure optimal outcomes. We take a personalized approach to treatment, carefully considering each patient's unique needs and preferences to provide the most effective and individualized care possible.

It is important to note that Deep TMS, like any medical intervention, may have potential risks and side effects, which will be thoroughly discussed with patients before initiating the treatment. Our team will provide comprehensive information, including the potential benefits and risks of Deep TMS and alternatives and their associated risks and benefits, to help patients make informed decisions about their treatment options.

As a part of our commitment to evidence-based practice, we continually review the latest research and clinical guidelines to ensure that our treatment offerings, including Deep TMS, are supported by robust evidence and aligned with the best practices in mental health care.

Out-of-province clients welcome

Clients visit from across Canada and throughout the globe to get the complete care provided by Envision Mind Care & Research Institute.

OCD Therapy Team

  • Dr. Karthikeyan Ganapathy

    Consultant Psychiatrist

  • Dr. Hansen Zhou

    Registered Psychologist